2025 外网
Gridfest. In the spirit of collaboration, as it is exemplified by artistic endeavor, the monome community is once again organizing a large scale event showcasing the broad spectrum of talent of monome users. Artists from around North America will be attending and performing in a series of concerts and workshops to be held at Corazon and Santa Fe Complex.

2025 外网
From the first drawings of microorganisms to the x-ray images of DNA to Apollo’s photograph of earth, scientific images are at once illuminating and beautiful. Whether scientists are delving into how an enzyme unzips a strand of DNA or studying the nanostructure of a gecko’s feet, graphic visualizations convey a wealth of information, inspire new discoveries and delight our eyes and imagination. You are invited to explore some of the newest and most fascinating images from two emergent branches of science during a two-day public celebration held at the Santa Fe Complex on April 1 and 2. The Art of Systems Biology ...

2025 外网
A Two Day Event at the Santa Fe Complex December 3 4 Notions of Time, two days of musical events, short talks by speakers, video, film, and photography will take place on Friday, December 3, and Saturday, December 4. Notions of Time is part of Art and Music 2010 at the Santa Fe Complex and is in part supported by a grant from the Santa Fe Art Commission. "There are many concepts of time in science and in different cultures,” said Orlando Leibovitz, event curator. "Is our perception of time an illusion? What is the present moment? Did the Big Bang create ...

2025 外网
The Santa Fe Complex is part of the New Mexico "brain trust,” along with the University of New Mexico and the Institute of American Indian Arts, awarded $597,220 in funding from the National Science Foundation's Partnership for Innovation program. The grant will fund the development of the hardware and software that make it possible to use "fulldome immersive environments"--such as the LodeStar planetarium at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science--to help people visualize, simulate, or experientially comprehend a wide range of information.

2025 外网
Please join us for a short philosophical discourse with Stuart Kauffman, eminent theoretical biologist and complex systems researcher. "We have lived with scientific “monism” since Newton. Monism is the view, shared by virtually all scientists, that the world is made of one kind of “stuff,” the Actual world of matter and energy and with some question marks, space and time and information. There are very good grounds to accept monism, and it has an ancient history. No less an ancient philosopher Empedocles said, “What is real in the universe is what is actual." Aristotle was ...

2025 外网
Simtable, a company that got its start at the Santa Fe Complex, has been selected as the recipient of a $100,000 award from the Los Alamos National Security, LLC Venture Acceleration Fund. [caption id="attachment_4781" align="alignleft" width="290" caption="Chip Garner and Stephen Guerin shed new light on wildfire modeling. Photo Credit: Bill Stengel"][/caption] Simtable is a technology developed for wildfire training, incident command, and community outreach that combines hardware and software to create simulations on sand.

2025 外网
May 23, 2011
This weekend we hosted the launch and Jam Weekend for the NM Mobile Apps Development Challenge. The legendary Albuquerque apps developper Andrew Stone gave a kick-off talk, and teams formed around 4 challenge areas. On Sunday, preliminary prizes were awarded to two teams, GO Santa Fe and Santa Fe Backstory. But its not too late to enter the challenge and win prize moneythe challenge ends June 16. Visit Mix Santa Fe for challenge details.
Created by Mix Santa Fe, the NM Tech Council, and the City of Santa Fe. Other sponsors include: Santafe.com, the NM Angels, TVC, America’s Finest News Source, The Onion, The SF Business Incubator, Co-Lab, The Santa Fe Chamber, and AIGA NM.
2025 外网
May 11, 2011
A Small Furry Prayer: Dog Rescue and the Meaning of Life is Mr. Kotlers newest book, exploring the neurobiology of the co-evolution of man and dog. Steven spoke at the Complex May 11. You can find the video on our Vimeo channel: http://vimeo.com/channels/sfcomplex
2025 外网
Santa Fe Complex has partnered with STEMArts on the (x)tree project, a dynamic visualization of a tree-form generated by individuals sending messages from social networks and mobile devices. A large scale projection of the (X)tree will be part of the Ledoux Street Celebration in Taos on December 11, at 7 pm, at 203 Ledoux St.
The project is a benefit for Tree New Mexico’s “One Million More” tree-planting campaign. Visit treenm.com to participate in the campaign.
To add a branch to the tree, send a Twitter message with the tag #(x)tree, and visit stemarts.com for more information.
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Mick Thompson and Tyler White win Alcatel-Lucent iPad App competition
Mick Thompson and Tyler White took first place and $10,000 in an Alcatel-Lucent contest to develop an iPad app using the Alcatel-Lucent location based service API. The app they made puts your friends (using smart and non-smart phones) on a map using new location-getting techniques and shows the closest Flickr image to their location. Mick (Collecta) and Tyler (平行加速器安卓下载) submitted the app named Peer Peer named for its verb-noun meaning. For more information about the competition, visit the Alcatel-Lucent website.